Welcome to my tea blog! Here, have a cup of tea :).

In this blog, I will be drinking a lot of tea, but I am willing to share! I also will talk about my quest to create a comtemplative tea lifestyle and slow things down so that I can enjoy my life more, and about how drinking tea brings peace to my day.

It, truly, is the pause that refreshes, and I am asking myself how I can create more of that and less of the crazy-buzy, hurry-to-get-to-the-next-thing energy that all too often adds pressure and tension to my day.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Designing Your Afternoon Tea Retreat

"In the practice of tea, a sanctuary is created where one can take solace in the tranquility of the spirit." ~~Seh Soshitsu XV

Dedicating daily time for a tea ritual slows you down long enough to get centered again and provides time for reflection. It also can give you a few minutes to reconnect you with nature.

(1) First, choose the place for your ritual, and decide what you would like to have with you in your space. You might want to place a candle there, to light during your ritual, and a book that inspires you. Or a fresh flower from your garden.

(2) Then, create your ceremony by deciding on the sequence of steps you will use. You might decide to start with a brief meditation, drink your tea and then, and then, write in your journal.

(3) Designate an ending for the ritual, like blowing out your candle, or sounding a bell.

"Just a cup of tea. Just another opportunity for healing. Just the hand reaching out to receive the handle of the cup. Just noticing hot. Noticing texture and fragrance. Just a cup of tea. Just this moment in newness. Just the hand touching the cup. Just the arm retreating. ... What a wonderful cup of tea. The tea of peace, of satisfaction. Drinking a cup of tea, I stop the war." ~~Stephen Levine

Take a Little Time for Tea