Welcome to my tea blog! Here, have a cup of tea :).

In this blog, I will be drinking a lot of tea, but I am willing to share! I also will talk about my quest to create a comtemplative tea lifestyle and slow things down so that I can enjoy my life more, and about how drinking tea brings peace to my day.

It, truly, is the pause that refreshes, and I am asking myself how I can create more of that and less of the crazy-buzy, hurry-to-get-to-the-next-thing energy that all too often adds pressure and tension to my day.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Intuitive Guidance about Playing Hide-and-Go-Seek with Time

Playing Hide-and-Go-Seek with Time

When last we left off in this story, I was distracted in church by all the things I haven’t had time to do in the past several weeks and was planning to try to find the missing time by doing an intuitive reading and addressing it in meditation. We hadn’t meditated that day because we were in a rush to get to church (no slowing down that morning because I knew how crowded the parking lot and seats would be).

So when I got home, the first thing I did was the intuitive reading. Here’s the message I got from it…

Intuitive Reading

The most important message was a reminder that this process I’m in of trying to slow down, not work at night or on weekends, and make time for morning and afternoon tea, has been six months or more in the making and that it began with gentle nudges that did not originate with me (or not consciously, anyway).

Which means it’s not just me in this game; I have help! Good news!! I am really reassured by this because it tells me that it will probably all work itself out.

But there was another encouraging message before I meditated. I’ll tell you tomorrow…
